Flush Out Toxins With Warm Water Immersion

In Seven Natural Strategies to Detox Your Body, Jeffrey Rossman, PhD points out that we all carry environmental toxins in our tissues and should detoxify on a regular basis in order to achieve better health.

There are a number of detox strategies (Rossman lists seven), but sweating is probably the easiest. When we sweat, our bodies automatically expel unwanted toxins. This is one reason why regular exercise is so important. Spending time in a sauna is great, but many of us don’t have access to a sauna on a regular basis.

The Natural Path says that “the simplest and easiest method of increasing your body temperature is to immerse yourself in hot water.” Bathtubs, hot tubs and spas are all excellent options. And since soaking in one of these is a form of exercise, it means you’re detoxing on more than one level.

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